Thursday, 4 April 2013

The Rocket Bean Avocado Breakfast Special

After a few hectic months visiting New Zealand and trying out a few new recipes Rocket Bean is back!  Starting it all off with a fast, healthy and simple breakfast favourite of mine.

Ingredients -
2x Slices of Bread
½ Avocado, pitted
Several Tomatoes
Cholula Hot Sauce (or similar Chili sauce)
Cracked Sea Salt to taste

Method - All you need to do with this is make yourself a few slices of toast, scoop the avocado out onto  the toast and mash using a fork. Drizzle with Chili sauce, my favourite is Cholula Hot Sauce, which was served with a mexican breakfast omelette I had in New York last year. Add the chopped tomatoes and sprinkle with a little cracked sea salt, also great served on a bagel. Serve with your favourite breakfast beverage. Mine is served with Tea, not Coffee as the mug may suggest.

et viola. Mug design by Will Bryant.

Breakfast certainly needs more Chili sauce.


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